A double chin makes you look older and heavier than you actually are. Eugenia Berchenko, RN, BSN, provides Kybella® injections to reduce this submental fullness and give you a more streamlined profile. Men and women in the area of West Hollywood, California, can benefit from Eugenia’s expert injections. Call her today or Book an appointment online to learn how Kybella can help you look your best.
Kybella Q & A
What is submental fullness?
Submental fullness is a clinical term for a double chin. A double chin often occurs from being overweight, but is also a result of genetics or skin laxity as you age. A double chin negatively affects your profile, appearance, and self-confidence, and can be extremely frustrating because it often doesn’t reduce in response to diet and exercise.
What is Kybella?
Kybella® is an FDA-approved injectable treatment for submental fullness. It contains deoxycholic acid, a molecule that helps break down dietary fat. When injected under your chin, Kybella destroys the fat cells contributing to your fullness. The destroyed fat cells are naturally evacuated through your body’s waste removal systems.
With Kybella, you’ll experience a reduction in chin size that noticeably improves your profile, but you should not consider Kybella as a proper weight-loss procedure.
Who benefits from Kybella treatments?
Despite a healthy diet and regular exercise, your double chin may persist. Anyone who is bothered by the appearance of a double chin may opt to undergo Kybella treatments. You may feel your double chin makes you look older or heavier than you are.
Kybella offers a valid alternative to surgery to reduce your double chin. Instead of liposuction, which requires long recovery times, Kybella is quick and effective. Patients of all ages can use Kybella.
How many treatments of Kybella do I need?
Eugenia evaluates your aesthetic goals and the amount of submental fullness you have to design a customized treatment plan. Most people achieve positive results after 2-4 treatments, usually spaced about one month apart. Some people need up to six treatment sessions to achieve their goals.
How long do the results of Kybella last?
Kybella offers a permanent reduction in chin fat. The fat cells that are destroyed do not regenerate. Remaining fat cells in the area do have the potential to expand, however. So if you gain weight, you may experience a return of your double chin. Simply follow a sensible diet and pursue regular physical activity to maintain a healthy weight.
- Fee begins at $700 per session.
To learn more about how your profile can benefit from Kybella treatments, call or book an appointment online today.